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How the Redback Spider got its venom (and other stories)

I'm totally blown away by the responses to this session with year 5 at Jubilee Primary School.

We devised our own creation myths, based on stories from the Aboriginal Dreamtime tradition. Pupils followed this 1 hour session by creating their own written versions of the story. Stories included 'how the spider got its red back' and 'how the shark got its sharp teeth'.

Today I was presented with the finished books by Aspen class and they look amazing!

The story details how an overlooked little spider saved the day from the anteaters who had muscled their way into the billabong and were eating all of the insects. Along the way the spider picks up its distinctive red stripe and dangerous venom. (this blurb is is explained better in one of the pupils' books below!) The books are decorated in the style of Aboriginal Artwork, which the pupils have also been studying.

During the session we really explored how far we could push our use of simile, creating some amazing images of all the different creatures and landscapes encountered. I'm very pleased to see that this evocative use of language has made its way into the written product.

Congratulations Aspen Class on such amazing work! Happy #WorldBookDay everyone!

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